Design Labs, IIT Bombay ئاپەکان

instiMap IIT Bombay 1.2
Design Labs, IIT Bombay
instiMap helps you navigate through the IITBombay Campus.Specially designed for first time visitors and new entrants, tofind their way around IITB with ease.Upcoming versions: We are still working on the 'you are here'feature as well as the A to B search, these will be available incoming versions. Happy exploring!!Feel free to download this app and let us know of your commentsat designlabsiitbombay@gmail.comFeatures• Isometric view of IIT Campus: A detailed isometric + perspectivemap that makes orienting yourself in the real-world quick andeasy• Destination groups: All the places you may search are neatlyorganized in 12 groups.• Offline search: Look up a place and you will find its locationalong with relevant info such as contact details• Pin your searches: Pin all your searches on the campus map as yousearch for multiple locations one after other( pin remains untilyou exit the app)• Each location you search throws up a card which gives detailedinformation about the location searched, associated phone numbers,timings, etc
Immunize 1.01
Design Labs, IIT Bombay
Immunize Maharashtra,MedicalThis application is meant for staff members and communityhealthvisitors involved in delivery of routine immunizationservices.This application follows the NRHM Maharashtra scheduleofimmunization to calculate the next date of visit for parents.Features:***Quick and error-free, date of next immunizations for childrenandadolescents between age group of 0-16 years, withminimumintervention required on part of the health worker.***Application in regional language, with dates seeninEnglish***Option to choose days specific to the immunization camp runbyyour health post***Videos explaining vaccine preventable diseases- healthworkerscan use this while communicating the significance ofimmunization toparents.